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The Secret to a Great Hotel Stay? Amazing Coffee. Here's Why.

Posted by Omland 12/06/2023 0 Comment(s)

The Secret to a Great Hotel Stay? Amazing Coffee. Here's Why.


For many travelers, a great hotel stay is all about the amenities and services offered. From luxurious bedding to high-speed Wi-Fi, these little extras can make all the difference. But there's one thing that often gets overlooked - the quality of the coffee. Believe it or not, having a great cup of coffee in your hotel room can be the key to a truly memorable stay. Not only does it provide a much-needed caffeine boost to start your day, but it can also set the tone for your entire trip. In this article, we'll explore the importance of great hotel coffee and why it's worth considering when booking your next stay. So grab your favorite mug and let's dive in!



Key Takeaways:


  1. Great coffee can significantly enhance the hotel's experience, often overlooked amidst other amenities.

  2. Coffee is more than just a drink; it's a ritual, an experience that can set the tone for the day.

  3. Coffee's caffeine and other compounds can boost mood, energy levels, cognitive function, and overall well-being.

  4. Hotels are increasingly prioritizing coffee quality, offering in-room coffee makers, specialty cafes, and collaborations with local coffee shops.

  5. Sourcing high-quality, local, and sustainable coffee supports the environment, and local economies, and provides an authentic guest experience.

  6. Exceptional coffee programs in hotels can become a standout feature, contributing to a memorable stay.

  7. Tips for creating a memorable hotel coffee experience include sourcing quality coffee, investing in brewing equipment, offering specialty drinks, and providing information about the coffee.

  8. The future of hotel coffee includes partnerships, high-tech brewing equipment, coffee-related experiences, and an emphasis on sustainability.


The Role of Coffee in Enhancing the Hotel Experience


As travelers, we often expect a certain level of comfort and convenience when staying at a hotel. From a comfortable bed to a clean bathroom, we want to feel at home even when we're away. However, what sets a great hotel stay apart from an ordinary one is the attention to detail and the little extras that go above and beyond our expectations. And one of those little extras is great coffee.


Coffee has become an essential part of our daily lives, and for many of us, it's the first thing we think about in the morning. It's not just a drink; it's a ritual. And when we're away from home, we still want to be able to enjoy our coffee ritual. That's why having great coffee in our hotel room or at the hotel café can make such a difference in our overall experience.


But coffee is not just about caffeine. It's also about the experience. A great cup of coffee can be a moment of indulgence, a time to slow down and savor the aroma and flavor. It can also be a social experience, a way to connect and start a conversation. And when hotels provide great coffee, they're not just providing a drink; they're providing an experience that can enhance our stay.


The Science Behind Coffee's Effect on Our Mood and Energy Levels


We all know that coffee can give us a much-needed boost of energy in the morning or when we're feeling tired. But what you may not know is that there's science behind it. Coffee contains caffeine, a natural stimulant that can block the effects of adenosine, a chemical that makes us feel sleepy.


However, caffeine is not the only compound in coffee that can affect our mood and energy levels. Coffee also contains antioxidants and other compounds that can have a positive effect on our brain function, mood, and overall health. Studies have shown that coffee can improve cognitive function, memory, and mood, and may even reduce the risk of some diseases.


So when we're traveling and may be feeling jet-lagged, tired, or stressed, a great cup of coffee can not only give us a caffeine boost but can also have a positive effect on our mood and well-being.


Trends in Hotel Coffee Service: From In-Room Coffee Makers to Specialty Cafes


In the past, hotel coffee was often an afterthought, with bland, pre-packaged coffee pods and powdered creamer as the norm. But in recent years, hotels have stepped up their coffee game, recognizing the importance of great coffee in enhancing the guest experience.


One trend in hotel coffee service is the in-room coffee maker. Many hotels now offer high-quality coffee makers in their rooms, with premium coffee and tea options. Some hotels even provide Nespresso machines or other specialty coffee makers, allowing guests to create their own coffee experience.


Another trend is the specialty café. Many hotels now have their on-site cafes, featuring local and sustainable coffee options, specialty drinks, and even baristas trained in latte art. These cafes can be a destination in themselves, attracting both hotel guests and locals.


And for those who prefer to grab their coffee on the go, some hotels have partnered with local coffee shops to provide guests with discounts or vouchers for nearby cafes. This not only supports local businesses but also gives guests a taste of the local coffee culture.



How Hotels Source and Brew Their Coffee: From Bean to Cup


To provide great coffee, hotels need to start with great beans. Many hotels now source their coffee from local or sustainable sources, ensuring that the beans are of high quality and ethically sourced. Some hotels even have their coffee farms or partnerships with coffee growers, giving them control over the entire coffee production process.


Once the beans are sourced, hotels need to know how to brew them properly. This involves understanding the different brewing methods and each method's optimal grind and brewing time. Hotels may also invest in high-quality brewing equipment, such as pour-over drippers or espresso machines, to ensure that the coffee is brewed to perfection.


To maintain the quality of the coffee, hotels need to ensure that the brewing equipment is cleaned and maintained regularly and that the coffee is stored properly to prevent oxidation and staleness.




The Importance of Local and Sustainable Coffee in the Hotel Industry


As travelers become more conscious of their impact on the environment and the communities they visit, the importance of local and sustainable coffee in the hotel industry has grown. Hotels that source their coffee from local or sustainable sources not only support the local economy but also reduce their carbon footprint and promote ethical and environmentally responsible practices.


Some hotels even go a step further and have their coffee farms or partnerships with local growers, allowing them to have control over the entire production process and ensure that the coffee is of the highest quality and ethically sourced.


By promoting local and sustainable coffee, hotels can also offer guests a unique and authentic experience, showcasing the local coffee culture and flavors.


Case Studies: Hotels with Exceptional Coffee Programs


Some hotels have taken their coffee programs to the next level, offering guests a truly exceptional coffee experience. Here are a few examples:


  • The Ace Hotel in New Orleans has its on-site roastery, where they roast and brew their coffee. They also offer coffee-inspired cocktails and a selection of coffee-related books in their lobby.

  • The Hoxton Hotel in London has a partnership with local coffee roaster Ozone Coffee, offering guests a selection of specialty coffee drinks and pastries.

  • The Langham in Chicago has a coffee sommelier on staff, who curates a selection of premium coffee and tea options for guests and provides personalized recommendations based on their preferences.

These hotels show that great coffee can be a unique and memorable part of the hotel experience.


Tips for Creating a Memorable Hotel Coffee Experience


Whether you're a hotel manager or a guest, here are a few tips for creating a memorable hotel coffee experience:


  • Source high-quality, local, and sustainable coffee.

  • Invest in high-quality brewing equipment and train staff on proper brewing techniques.

  • Offer a selection of specialty drinks and brewing methods.

  • Provide information about the coffee, such as its origin and flavor profile.

  • Offer coffee-related books, art, or other amenities to enhance the coffee experience.


By paying attention to these details, hotels can create a coffee experience that guests will remember long after their stay.



The Future of Hotel Coffee: Innovations and Predictions


As the importance of great coffee in the hotel experience grows, we can expect to see more innovations and trends in hotel coffee service. Here are a few predictions:


  • More hotels will partner with local coffee shops or roasters to provide guests with a taste of the local coffee culture.

  • Hotels will invest in high-tech brewing equipment, such as smart coffee makers that can be controlled by a smartphone app.

  • Hotels will offer coffee-related experiences, such as coffee tastings or workshops, to engage guests and enhance their knowledge of coffee.

  • Sustainability and ethically sourced coffee will become even more important, with hotels investing in their coffee farms or partnering with growers to ensure that the coffee is of the highest quality and ethically sourced.


Conclusion: Elevating the Hotel Experience, One Cup at a Time.


In conclusion, great coffee can be the secret ingredient that elevates a hotel stay from ordinary to extraordinary. From the mood-boosting effects of caffeine to the social and cultural experience of coffee, a great cup of coffee can set the tone for your entire trip. As hotels recognize the importance of great coffee, we can expect to see more innovations and trends in hotel coffee service, providing guests with a unique and memorable experience. So the next time you're booking a hotel stay, don't overlook the coffee. Your taste buds and your travel experience will thank you.


As an added note, Omland Hospitality has been a trusted supplier for many hotels, motels, and similar establishments, offering a wide range of wholesale coffee essentials. From regular and decaf hotel coffee to coffee makers, cups, mugs, coffee and tea kits, and more, we provide everything hotels need to serve their guests with the best amenities for a truly exceptional hotel stay. We invite you to explore the related products below and visit our website to discover our extensive range of offerings that will elevate your guests' coffee experience and enhance their overall satisfaction.